My years are usually divided between my "work" in Europe (visiting iconic places in Paris, France, Spain, and Italy; interviewing Michelin chefs and eating in their restaurants; and then shooting everything – that's work, right?)... between France and time at home on Vancouver Island, where I like to document my days in a longterm project I call what i saw today. (As you can tell, I didn't spend a whole lot of time naming that project.)
But, now, spending thirteen months in the same place, I have seen my daily documentation decrease in frequency from daily to dailyish to "what should I do today?" However, perfect skies and warm weather temporarily shook me out of that lethargy and I hied myself to nearby Harling Point on the shores of the Salish Sea. This is what I saw.
At Harling Point is found the historic Chinese cemetery, looking across the Salish Sea to the Olympic mountains in the US state of Washington
This one – iPhone 12 Pro, Photoshop