Phoning in Rome... or iRome X

When I'm in Paris and France I'm more or less working. ("More or less" being the operative phrase.) But, when I'm elsewhere in La Riviere I'm a tourist. And that was the case last year when, after a lengthy trip around France ("working"), I was able to spend a fabulous fall week in Rome. (All pre-Covid, of course.)
After a couple of months of shooting all day, every day, I weary of hauling around the DSLR and tend to rely on my iPhone X. As a result, virtually all of these were made using that pocket-sized device. Not perfect, but, man, I'm only a tourist!

The only photo I made at Trevi Fountain

View from the taxi taking us to Villa Borghese

At Galleria Borghese

Inside the Vatican in the months before Covid

While taking a break for a rooftop drink, I spotted this couple – who we are going to cast to play us in the movie version of this photo set !